Rivista QQ Supplemento Ottobre 2015

In questo numero speciale presentiamo l’articolo di Alice e coll, “Medicina Generale: Qualità o Ricertificazione?” nella traduzione inglese. Lo stesso articolo in italiano lo trovate nel numero di Agosto 2015 della rivista, e riguarda il dibattito fra T. Greenhalgh e E.Pringle sugli effetti positivi e negativi dell’informatica in Medicina Generale.  

  In this special issue we present the article by Alice et al, “General Medicine: Quality or Recertification?” in the english translation. The same article in Italian can be found in the number of August 2015 of the magazine. It concern the debate between T. Greenhalgh and E.Pringle on the positive and negative use of information technology in General Practice.  

    General practice is changing – and it will keep changing as the health service and our patients’ needs evolve.
We know the traditional 10-minute consultation is increasingly unfit for purpose, when the number of our patients who are presenting with multiple morbidities is soaring.
Recent analysis by the RCGP/UK shows that over the next decade, there will be over 1m more patients living with potentially life-threatening diseases . With the smallest share of the NHS budget going to general practice, and increasingly complex workloads, we need to think differently – and innovation is crucial if we are to continue to improve the care we give to our patients. Everything that has ever been invented, every medical breakthrough that has been achieved, is because someone, somewhere, wanted to make a difference.But at a time when we are facing unprecedented pressures in the ‘day job’ of delivering frontline patient care, where do we find the time or, indeed, the energy to be ‘innovative’?Great ideas to revolutionise general practice are more likely to result from trying to make our daily lives in surgery simpler and more effective – that ‘lightbulb’ moment rather than the ‘Eureka’ effect.
The RCGP has launched a new ‘Bright Ideas’ portal, where GPs can share examples of innovative work, explains the college’s chair.

Anche noi lanciamo su Rivista QQ , nella sua rinnovata veste editoriale, la proposta ” Ricerca e innovazione “.La collaborazione è aperta a chiunque abbia un piccolo progetto, una idea, una modifica migliorativa del proprio lavoro da esporre ai colle di medicina generale italiani,

Benvenuti Mario Baruchello  

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